Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Character Building Camp 2014 Day 5 (Last day)

Day 5 (26 April 2014 Saturday)

Today is the last day and we felt a little sad because we were going to miss all our friends from the other campuses. We did reflections and had free time.

We just had lunch and we went off early in case of traffic. As far as I can remember, it was hard to say goodbye to such a wonderful place because it has so much memories. Even though the place did not suit our needs, we still had fun. This is the best camp ever!

By: Shermaine

Character Building Camp 2014 Day 4

Day 4 (25 April 2014, Friday)

Time sure flies! As usual, I had a relatively good sleep and then, we had breakfast! Breakfast was the same again, nasi goreng and egg. Everyone was excited as today was the last day, well night. Everyone got closer as one and I made more friends.

Today, we played several activities. We had to play some team building activities and one of them was really crazy. It was called 'Water Tower'. The objective of this is to cover the holes of the bamboo so that the water cannot be leaked out. Well, everyone got drenched like crazy because we did not cover the holes properly. Even though we all got wet, it was still fun. This was also the best memory I had there.

Next, we had this thing called 'Mission Impossible'. We had to form into groups of our choice since some did not play as they were too tired. It was nerve-wrecking as it requires a lot of patience and intelligence.

After that, we took a break and I went to shower. After shower we had lunch! Lunch was pretty delicious because I was quite hungry... After lunch we had some activities. We had to make something for our parents as an appreciation gift. We had to pick anything we could find like leaves, stones etc. We were not allowed to pluck any flowers though. I picked a leaf. The leaf represented hope.

After the gift making, we had to start rehearsing for the campfire performance tonight. Well, my team chose to sing so, we sang 'Someone Like You' by Adele. One of my teammate, played the guitar and two were singers. I was like a 'backup' singer haha.

By 4p.m., parents started arriving. We were still rehearsing then. Until 7p.m., the programme started and guess what? My form teacher, Ms. Ritu was the MC! Well, she was relatively good. She told us that it was her first time so she was kind of nervous!

Sadly, even though the campfire was set up, it stayed pouring like cats and dogs! So, the campfire was cancelled. This disappointed all of us but we still continued our programme in the Aula.

Next, we gave our appreciation gifts to our parents. Some were crying because they were touched. Well, some parents did not come so that made some of those students sad and depressed' like Sharron. We also did our performances and Group 12 won!

After the whole event, some students went home with their parents. I stayed just for one last night as I want to make the last memories. This camp was just truly amazing.

By: Shermaine :)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Character Building Camp 2014 Day 3

Day 3 (24 April 2014, Thursday)

Time sure flies quickly as it is already day 3! The morning started as usual, feeling super cold. I had a better sleep probably I was pretty tired due to all the activities that I took part the day before! For breakfast, we had nasi goreng again, triangular-shaped omelette and keropok. It was a little spicy but I still ate it anyway, food accompanied with a warm cup of Milo.

After the filling breakfast, we had to sing songs. As usual, everyone, including me was so shy to sing and do those actions! Instead, we were just laughing and chatting with each other! Next, we had some talks and activities. After those activities and talks, we finally had lunch and free time! Some people took a shower and did not know that we were going to play mud games as they went into the bathroom earlier than the announcement was made. My friend, Sharron got particularly mad because she took a shower already. Luckily for me, I got out of the shower line when I heard that we were going to get muddy!

We had mud games, guided by our Cansebu facilitators. The games were: Mud Slide, where you slide down a muddy slide and fall into the mud pool; balancing on a bamboo stick, where you have to balance on the super wobbly bamboo stick(well, most fell into the mud and sandy pool, including me) to get to the other side; rope course, where you have to grab on the ropes hanging on top tightly because there is no safety belt or whatever and if you fall, you will land on mud pile just beneath you; blindfold bridge, where you have to be blindfolded and listen to the leader who is in front of you to cross the bridge safely.

I tried all of those games except the mud slide. I did not want to get muddy so I did not fall into any mud. Well, I went into the mud pool because I fell from the bamboo stick. It felt like sand beneath your feet and the water was rater clean so, not much dirt. Everyone gave free hugs (those muddy ones) and some gave it to those clean one like our teachers!

After the games, we washed ourselves up and went to the Aula for other activities and talks. By dinner time, everyone felt pretty tired so, Mr Tony let us sleep earlier. It was such an exciting and yet dirty day today! :)

By: Shermaine

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Character Building Camp 2014 Day 2

Day 2 (23 April 2014, Wednesday)

The morning air was fresh but freezing cold. I did not have a good rest because there were 7 girls sleeping in my tent (originally 5 but because some moved in). It was so squeezy,  packed like sardines and I could not move at all. Next thing was that the Muslim prayers were played in the early morning. I got awaken because of that. Then, I tried sleeping back but I could not so, I was just staring blankly on the top of the tent. Fortunately, I probably got tired and fell back to sleep again.

I woke up at approximately 5.30 a.m. as I heard chatters from the outside. Everyone else was sleeping soundly and I thought it was time to wake up. I put on my jacket and went out. To my surprise, as I walked up to the Aula, I saw the clock and it read 5.45 a.m! Breakfast was to be served only at 6.30 a.m and I was already up! Since I was already awake, I decided to change into my camping attire and brush my teeth.

After brushing my teeth, I saw some of my friends and started chatting with them. All of them told me that they too, cannot sleep because there were either bugs, snoring and lots of other funny factors. Soon, the clock struck 6.30 a.m but breakfast was not ready. Teachers told us that the breakfast can only be served only at 7 because some were still sleeping so, I just waited for time to pass and in that mean time I was hanging out with my friends.

Finally, we had our breakfast. The breakfast consisted of nasi goring, eggs and keropok. It was yummy and filling to my stomach! After breakfast, we had some activities held by our RICS teachers like some talk. To be honest, it was kind of boring and I saw some of the students dazing away. It was quite good as teachers talked to us on how to accept yourself etc. We also sang some songs but well, no one was singing except a few!

By the afternoon, we played some team building games. Our Cansebu facilitators guided us and we played Blind Square and some other games. It was very fun and exciting!

The day continued with games, talks and fun of course. As night came, we had dinner and slept.

By: Shermaine :)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Character Building Camp 2014 Day 1

The camp was held at Cansebu Amazing Camp and Resort, located at Puncak. 

This place is a resort and a camping ground. Located near the mountains and hills, the air is rather fresh and nice. This place is in an ideal location for camping and it is filled with greenery. Sunset at approximately 6p.m. is beautiful. Unfortunately, I could not snap any pictures of it as my phone, including the others were kept by the teachers and we can only get it back by dinner time.

Day 1 (22 April 2014, Tuesday)

All students from KG(Kelapa Gading) Campus met in school, to assemble there as we were going to take the bus together as a whole. We had to arrive in school by 7p.m. but as usual, there were some late comers.
Everyone seemed excited about the trip and also, nervous about meeting new people from other campuses. Since we did not know who we were sleeping with, we were anticipating who we were going to sleep with. Approximately by 8p.m., we left school. All the parents waited where the buses were and some cried because their children were leaving. 

Traffic was rather smooth but it took us about two hours to reach the location. Chatters on the bus were heard everywhere, music blasting and many selfies were taken! None of us slept on the bus maybe because we were too excited? Well maybe.

When we reached, there was a slope . We had to walk down (not as tiring as up) with our luggage! I almost fell because the slope was so steep! The last obstacle was climbing stairs up to the Aula (The meeting hall), everyone was groaning and complaining, even I was! Finally, we reached and we received cheers from the PI(Pondok Indah) Campus. To cut the long story short, the KJ(Kebun Jeruk) Campus arrived last and then, we started with our activities: Gave up our phones; Introduction and then, snack time. After snack time, we had outdoor activities with our Cansebu facilitators. I (Shermaine) was in Group 10. Dylan was in Group 8. 

We played  games like: duck chicken game and some other weird games. I was suffering under the sultry and burning sun. I felt like fainting and almost passed out but I survived! 

After the games, we took a rest, had our cold showers and pitched our tents with the facilitators.

The day continued with activities and it was a tiring yet fun day! :)

By: Shermaine

Saturday, October 19, 2013

3Rs- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

Let us learn to GO GREEN by remembering the 3Rs. The 3Rs are: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!  

Do not buy unnecessary things such as pencils,rulers, notebooks etc. And the thing is, you do not use it at all! Making a notebook, for an example requires a lot of paper. Where does paper come from? Trees! Cutting down trees are not a "cool" thing but instead, a horrible thing! Trees provide oxygen for us to breathe, a place for birds to stay and caterpillars to stay too! 
Reduce your waste by not buying any unnecessary items. Bring your own bag to supermarkets. Using plastic bags are not helpful to the environment because plastics take a long time to decompose. So, bring your own shopping bag!

It means to use it again! But how? Let us use paper for an example. There are two sides on the paper. Most people take a fresh piece of paper after using one side. Why not use both sides? Reuse the paper! 
Next, you can donate your old clothing to your local charities instead of throwing it away. There could be many poor children who needs it. 
Lastly, use a water bottle instead of buying those plastic bottles that are already filled with water. Throwing it away daily can take up space in the landfill and plastics take a long time to decompose. Use a water bottle instead, where you can wash it after you use and refill it for the next school day!


These materials can be recycled. Recycling turns materials that would otherwise become waste into valuable resources and generates a host of environmental, financial and social benefits. After collection, materials such as glass, metal, plastics and paper are separated and reprocessed into the raw materials they came from.