Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Character Building Camp 2014 Day 2

Day 2 (23 April 2014, Wednesday)

The morning air was fresh but freezing cold. I did not have a good rest because there were 7 girls sleeping in my tent (originally 5 but because some moved in). It was so squeezy,  packed like sardines and I could not move at all. Next thing was that the Muslim prayers were played in the early morning. I got awaken because of that. Then, I tried sleeping back but I could not so, I was just staring blankly on the top of the tent. Fortunately, I probably got tired and fell back to sleep again.

I woke up at approximately 5.30 a.m. as I heard chatters from the outside. Everyone else was sleeping soundly and I thought it was time to wake up. I put on my jacket and went out. To my surprise, as I walked up to the Aula, I saw the clock and it read 5.45 a.m! Breakfast was to be served only at 6.30 a.m and I was already up! Since I was already awake, I decided to change into my camping attire and brush my teeth.

After brushing my teeth, I saw some of my friends and started chatting with them. All of them told me that they too, cannot sleep because there were either bugs, snoring and lots of other funny factors. Soon, the clock struck 6.30 a.m but breakfast was not ready. Teachers told us that the breakfast can only be served only at 7 because some were still sleeping so, I just waited for time to pass and in that mean time I was hanging out with my friends.

Finally, we had our breakfast. The breakfast consisted of nasi goring, eggs and keropok. It was yummy and filling to my stomach! After breakfast, we had some activities held by our RICS teachers like some talk. To be honest, it was kind of boring and I saw some of the students dazing away. It was quite good as teachers talked to us on how to accept yourself etc. We also sang some songs but well, no one was singing except a few!

By the afternoon, we played some team building games. Our Cansebu facilitators guided us and we played Blind Square and some other games. It was very fun and exciting!

The day continued with games, talks and fun of course. As night came, we had dinner and slept.

By: Shermaine :)

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