Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Character Building Camp 2014 Day 3

Day 3 (24 April 2014, Thursday)

Time sure flies quickly as it is already day 3! The morning started as usual, feeling super cold. I had a better sleep probably I was pretty tired due to all the activities that I took part the day before! For breakfast, we had nasi goreng again, triangular-shaped omelette and keropok. It was a little spicy but I still ate it anyway, food accompanied with a warm cup of Milo.

After the filling breakfast, we had to sing songs. As usual, everyone, including me was so shy to sing and do those actions! Instead, we were just laughing and chatting with each other! Next, we had some talks and activities. After those activities and talks, we finally had lunch and free time! Some people took a shower and did not know that we were going to play mud games as they went into the bathroom earlier than the announcement was made. My friend, Sharron got particularly mad because she took a shower already. Luckily for me, I got out of the shower line when I heard that we were going to get muddy!

We had mud games, guided by our Cansebu facilitators. The games were: Mud Slide, where you slide down a muddy slide and fall into the mud pool; balancing on a bamboo stick, where you have to balance on the super wobbly bamboo stick(well, most fell into the mud and sandy pool, including me) to get to the other side; rope course, where you have to grab on the ropes hanging on top tightly because there is no safety belt or whatever and if you fall, you will land on mud pile just beneath you; blindfold bridge, where you have to be blindfolded and listen to the leader who is in front of you to cross the bridge safely.

I tried all of those games except the mud slide. I did not want to get muddy so I did not fall into any mud. Well, I went into the mud pool because I fell from the bamboo stick. It felt like sand beneath your feet and the water was rater clean so, not much dirt. Everyone gave free hugs (those muddy ones) and some gave it to those clean one like our teachers!

After the games, we washed ourselves up and went to the Aula for other activities and talks. By dinner time, everyone felt pretty tired so, Mr Tony let us sleep earlier. It was such an exciting and yet dirty day today! :)

By: Shermaine

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