Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Character Building Camp 2014 Day 4

Day 4 (25 April 2014, Friday)

Time sure flies! As usual, I had a relatively good sleep and then, we had breakfast! Breakfast was the same again, nasi goreng and egg. Everyone was excited as today was the last day, well night. Everyone got closer as one and I made more friends.

Today, we played several activities. We had to play some team building activities and one of them was really crazy. It was called 'Water Tower'. The objective of this is to cover the holes of the bamboo so that the water cannot be leaked out. Well, everyone got drenched like crazy because we did not cover the holes properly. Even though we all got wet, it was still fun. This was also the best memory I had there.

Next, we had this thing called 'Mission Impossible'. We had to form into groups of our choice since some did not play as they were too tired. It was nerve-wrecking as it requires a lot of patience and intelligence.

After that, we took a break and I went to shower. After shower we had lunch! Lunch was pretty delicious because I was quite hungry... After lunch we had some activities. We had to make something for our parents as an appreciation gift. We had to pick anything we could find like leaves, stones etc. We were not allowed to pluck any flowers though. I picked a leaf. The leaf represented hope.

After the gift making, we had to start rehearsing for the campfire performance tonight. Well, my team chose to sing so, we sang 'Someone Like You' by Adele. One of my teammate, played the guitar and two were singers. I was like a 'backup' singer haha.

By 4p.m., parents started arriving. We were still rehearsing then. Until 7p.m., the programme started and guess what? My form teacher, Ms. Ritu was the MC! Well, she was relatively good. She told us that it was her first time so she was kind of nervous!

Sadly, even though the campfire was set up, it stayed pouring like cats and dogs! So, the campfire was cancelled. This disappointed all of us but we still continued our programme in the Aula.

Next, we gave our appreciation gifts to our parents. Some were crying because they were touched. Well, some parents did not come so that made some of those students sad and depressed' like Sharron. We also did our performances and Group 12 won!

After the whole event, some students went home with their parents. I stayed just for one last night as I want to make the last memories. This camp was just truly amazing.

By: Shermaine :)

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