Monday, April 28, 2014

Character Building Camp 2014 Day 1

The camp was held at Cansebu Amazing Camp and Resort, located at Puncak. 

This place is a resort and a camping ground. Located near the mountains and hills, the air is rather fresh and nice. This place is in an ideal location for camping and it is filled with greenery. Sunset at approximately 6p.m. is beautiful. Unfortunately, I could not snap any pictures of it as my phone, including the others were kept by the teachers and we can only get it back by dinner time.

Day 1 (22 April 2014, Tuesday)

All students from KG(Kelapa Gading) Campus met in school, to assemble there as we were going to take the bus together as a whole. We had to arrive in school by 7p.m. but as usual, there were some late comers.
Everyone seemed excited about the trip and also, nervous about meeting new people from other campuses. Since we did not know who we were sleeping with, we were anticipating who we were going to sleep with. Approximately by 8p.m., we left school. All the parents waited where the buses were and some cried because their children were leaving. 

Traffic was rather smooth but it took us about two hours to reach the location. Chatters on the bus were heard everywhere, music blasting and many selfies were taken! None of us slept on the bus maybe because we were too excited? Well maybe.

When we reached, there was a slope . We had to walk down (not as tiring as up) with our luggage! I almost fell because the slope was so steep! The last obstacle was climbing stairs up to the Aula (The meeting hall), everyone was groaning and complaining, even I was! Finally, we reached and we received cheers from the PI(Pondok Indah) Campus. To cut the long story short, the KJ(Kebun Jeruk) Campus arrived last and then, we started with our activities: Gave up our phones; Introduction and then, snack time. After snack time, we had outdoor activities with our Cansebu facilitators. I (Shermaine) was in Group 10. Dylan was in Group 8. 

We played  games like: duck chicken game and some other weird games. I was suffering under the sultry and burning sun. I felt like fainting and almost passed out but I survived! 

After the games, we took a rest, had our cold showers and pitched our tents with the facilitators.

The day continued with activities and it was a tiring yet fun day! :)

By: Shermaine

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